Nurturing Harmony in the Relationship Between Psychology and Christianity

The crossover between psychology and Christianity leads to deep reflection on the nature of God’s deeds in this world. Entwistle’s (2021) statement about the different areas of emphasis for both theological and psychological reflection prompts considering this tension. This paper will examine the subtle connection between psychology and Christianity as both disciplines seek to understand how each one appreciates or interprets God’s works. To provide clarity about the ramifications of religious and psychic reflection, we wish to present possible ways that would lead toward creating a positive dynamic between Christianity and psychology. The distinction between theological and psychological reflections by Entwistle (2021) reveals a difference in the interpretation of God’s works. Theological reflection is based on the divine story of God’s interventions in the world. On the other hand, psychological reflection analyzes the mind and behavior of human beings, accepting that God is in nature. These different focuses highlight separate perspectives through which people see and interpret God’s miracles.


Though theological and psychological reflections are unique in their ways, they provide a complementary understanding of God’s works from various perspectives. Theological perspectives offer a framework that identifies divine providence, human moral agency, and individual dignity as the bearers of God’s image. At the same time, psychological revelations clarify human experience, thinking, and practice in God’s dealings with His creation (Entwistle, 2021). Combining theological and psychological concepts opens up an opportunity for a better and more comprehensive understanding of God’s activities. In addition, the consequences of such theological and psychological reflections are also related to ethical issues that arise in practice psychology. Given the recognition of the sovereignty of God and human valuation, psychologists are compelled to approach their work with humbleness and, a compassionate heart as well as respecting humans’ dignity. The incorporation of Christian values into the process of psychological practice promotes ethical discernment, helping clinicians to find solutions for difficult moral situations and thus, ensure positive outcomes.


In addition, the gap between theological and psychological reflections reveals that human understanding is not capable of reflecting upon God’s works in their entirety. To embrace epistemological humility is to accept the unknowability of divine mysteries and abstain from equating God’s works with empirical observations. Humility, on the other hand, calls people to engage psychology and theology with awe at how much they reveal about God’s wisdom and ingenuity (Entwistle 2021). Lastly, the development of a harmonious relationship between psychology and Christianity requires deliberate attempts at integration along with dialogue. Acknowledging the contributions that each of these reflections can make, scholars and practitioners are encouraged to cross their disciplinary boundaries to work together. Through the development of interdisciplinary dialogue, individuals can develop a deeper sense of understanding God’s works while also contributing towards knowledge with humility and respect.


In conclusion, Entwistle’s comment is indeed thought-provoking about the difference in focus between Theological and Psychology reflections. By embracing the knowledge between these disciplines, individuals can cultivate humble interdisciplinary relations based on philosophical modesty and moral discernment. The synthesis of biological and psychological views enhances understanding of God’s works for both scholarly research as well as spiritual development. Amid our struggle to understand human experience and divine revelation, may we be consistent in seeking truth while remembering that God is glorious not only as an object of worship but also within academic study and even the discipline itself.



Entwistle, D. N. (2021). Integrative Approaches to Psychology and Christianity, Fourth Edition: An Introduction to Worldview Issues, Philosophical Foundations, and Models of Integration. In Google Books. Wipf and Stock Publishers.

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